Useful Links
Care Quality Commission
The independent regulator of health and social care in England - read our most recent inspection.
General Dental Council
Organisation which regulates the dental profession in the UK. Registers qualified dental professionals - whether they work in the NHS or private practice - and sets and monitors the standards they must follow throughout their working lives.
British Dental Health Foundation
The Foundation is the leading UK-based independent charity working to bring about improved standards of oral health care - both in the UK and around the world.
British Dental Association
The British Dental Association is the professional association and trade union for dentists in the UK. We have over 18,000 qualified members, the majority of the profession, and over 3,500 student members.
Straumann Implants
The Group manufactures implant system components and instruments in Switzerland and the US and dental tissue regeneration products in Sweden. Our restorative products are manufactured in Europe and the US.
CT dent
A service we can refer patients to for detailed scans in more complex cases